As seen in multiple “Best Sex Locations in Second Life” lists.
About our Second Life Escorts Bar
The X-Sisters Sex Bar started out as a small store on a beachfront selling blowjob experience tickets. From there, they were evicted for being too sexual and decided to open a small bar above their store at a new location. The store was pushed to back and the bar took centre stage. Now, with multiple locations, a head office, a monthly magazine and so much more, the X-Sisters Sex Bar is like no other sex for money place on the grid.

What WE Offer
A Second Life Escort Service
Boyfriend Babysitting
We’ll look after your boyfriend for an hour while you shop. No refunds if he wanders off.
Stress Testing
Just updated your cock to one of the better models? We’re here to help you stress test it! Best stress testing service on the grid guaranteed!
Workout Buddy
We’ll work out alongside you in one of our specially designed rooms. Beds may replace gym equipment but it’ll still be great exercise!
Sweet Release
Releasing trapped emotions through a thorough spring cleaning. Clutter-free balls, clutter-free mind.
Backdoor Service
I’m not sure we need to say anything else on this one.

Over 60 Years of Combined Experience in Sex Work
The Best Sex For Money Escort Services in Second Life
We do what we love and we love what we do. Sex for money isn’t a cash grab for us, it’s a kink. With that in mind we only hire those who are in this for the right reasons. Our X-Girls are here because they want to have fun, have amazing sex and do what they love to do. The money is just the added bonus at the end of it.
Happy Barflies
Hot and Sexy X-Girls
A Small Selection Of The Best Second Life Escorts To Get You Excited
A collection of posts written by the escorts. With their views and tips on escorting in Second Life.