Our appearance is a vital part of our business, and we all must look our best and represent our brand in the best possible way. Here are our appearance guidelines:
Hair: We want you to have great hair that looks great and is from quality brands such as Doux, Rama, Stealthic, or Magika(Newer styles only). Your hair should complement your overall look.
Body: We want you to feel comfortable in your own skin, and we want our customers to see that you are confident and proud of your body. Your body should be proportionate and free from any visual glitches or clipping.
Skin: Your skin should be smooth, supple, and free of any necklines! Please note that no neckline is ever acceptable. You should also have nipples that match your skin tone, and your genitalia must match your skin tone and be of high quality make. We want our customers to see that you are confident and proud of your body.
Clothing: We want you to wear clothing that is mesh, sexy, fits well, and is attractive. Your clothes should complement your overall look and be appropriate for the bar. No free nipples, get paid for it!
INM System: We require all staff members to have an INM system. This is essential for ensuring that our customers have a great experience, and we want to make sure that you are comfortable using it.
AO: We want you to have a good quality AO. If it looks robotic or stiff, it doesn’t fit our standards. We want you to move freely and naturally, so please make sure that your AO meets our requirements.
Why These Guidelines Are Important
We understand that these guidelines may seem strict, but they are crucial to creating a positive first impression. When our customers see that we have a high-quality, attractive appearance, they are more likely to have a positive opinion. On the other hand, if customers see that staff members do not meet the expected appearance standards, it could negatively impact their experience, leading to a poor perception of our brand. This can result in customers spending less, not returning for future visits, and telling others not to come, which could harm the reputation of our business.
We want to create a positive environment where everyone feels comfortable and confident in their appearance. By adhering to these guidelines, we can all work together to create a great experience for our customers and ultimately increase money that YOU can earn.