The Trainee Program

Edited ByVersionDate
Jess1.0July 13th 2024
Jess1.1August 28th 2024

Hey new recruit! Or is it cadet? Who fucking knows. I don’t know much army talk. Anyway, I’m Jess, owner of the X-Sisters Sex Bar. You might hear some interesting nicknames for me when I’m not around, but just ignore them. Unless they say that I’m amazing then… they’re always so truthful.

I want to introduce you to the trainee phase of becoming an X-Girl. This is your starting point, and while you’re technically still an X-Girl to everyone else, there’s a bit more going on behind the scenes.

Why a Trainee Phase?

First, we need to make sure you’re a good fit. We’re not street whores or just any club. We’re a team, and we love what we do. So, we need to see if you have that same X-Girl attitude.

Second, it gives you a bit of a buffer. As a trainee, you can make small fuck ups, and we can chalk it up to you still learning the ropes. Once you’re a full X-Girl, though, you’ll be held to the same standards as everyone else, and that’s when big booty bitches get big booty bitch kicked in the ass.

Drink Recycling

As a trainee you cannot recycle your drinks. However, you can stockpile them. While regular staff have an expiration date on their drinks, yours does not kick in until the moment you go from Trainee to Full X-Girl.

How to Become a Full X-Girl

1. Get 4 New Active Members

Don’t worry, this isn’t us asking you to bring in your private clients or your friends. We’re not even asking you to go out on the grid and find us new group members. This is about getting the people who find us on their own to sign up. Maybe they saw us on a website, maybe they followed an adboard or maybe they just used the search function. It’s a measure of how engaging you are with our barflies.

So, what makes someone an active group member? It’s simple—they sign up for the group, buy drinks, tip, and hire regularly. There’s no specific spending target; what matters is that they stay active at the bar. Your goal is to be engaging enough that they keep coming back.

Once you get a sign-up simply put their name on a notecard with the date and send it to a manager. For it to count you MUST let us know, we’re not psychic.

Here’s a simple structure to follow, tweak it as much as you like as long as you cover the first and final points:

  • Welcome them to the bar. (Must Do)
  • Find out how they found us.
  • Build some rapport with them, just make general talk and see if they’re horny (hint, they always are)
  • Offer them a tour. A tour is a great way to secure a sign-up. End it with, “Well, once you sign up you can hire me and fuck me in any of the places I just showed you”. See? Simple! (Must Do)

2. Sell Drinks

We have a beer and champagne system that’s interactive and engaging. It’s a great way for you and everyone else to make money. As a trainee and an X-Girl, we expect you to teach barflies how to buy drinks and then get them to do it. This is another way we measure your engagement.

3. Meet Activity Levels

We require a minimum of 6 hours of activity per week. To move on from the trainee phase, you need to meet this requirement for at least 4 weeks in a row. Simple, right? Of course, we always appreciate it if you exceed the minimum hours but 6 hours is the absolute bare minimum needed to keep your job.

4. Maintain Your Appearance

This one’s easy. Just make sure your appearance is always as amazing as they day we hired you. No horrible primmy hairs, no necklines, no clothes clipping. Keep up the standard you had when we hired you, and you’ll pass this one easily.

Final Thoughts

Realistically, the minimum time before you can be promoted to X-Girl is 4 weeks. Once you have all of those above points marked off then a manager will get you that tag and you can recycle all of those drinks you’ve been hoarding. You’ve got a great team around you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. We work together as a team – “we not me” is our mantra.

You can ask any manager at any time for feedback or for where you are in the trainee phase.

Welcome to the team!